Latest stable version: Checking...
Registry status:

    Greetings citizens,~


    This update should bring more stability to the game, and multiplayer servers in particular.




    Physics are heavily upgraded now, as promised in the last update. Colliding or getting close to bigger structures should show a drastic improvement. This will bring down general load, and remove some of the high ping issues.

    The only remaining bottleneck is two structures getting close with lots of smaller rail docked entities on them, but that should also be fixed soon.



    There was a problem with blueprint handling in the last update, where a change to the Catalog would cause a full read of every entry, causing high pings for a long period of time.



    Several memory issues have been fixed. One was that, as mentioned before, the catalog read and cached every ship, which resulted in a lot of wasted memory.

    There were also some other minor to medium leaks that caused high memory usage such as when using lots of missiles at the same time, and physics data sets not being cleaned up properly when thrown back into the pool for reuse.


    Model Export


















    Ships can now be exported as 3D models (.obj format) that can be read by most common 3D editing programs (3ds max, maya, blender, etc). With how our game engine works, most of the necessary elements were already there so we decided to turn it into a feature.



    To export a ship, go to your catalog as if you want to save a ship and click on the export as 3D model button. You can then choose a name for the export which will be added to the modelexport folder in your StarMade directory.

    Make sure, when loading it up in a program to use the alpha channel of the textures to get transparency on blocks and sprites.

    Smaller Changes

    The game will now automatically set the resolution to what the desktop resolution is on first start on a fresh install.


    The game will now warn you if you play with in 32bit.

    Bug Fixes


    • T1807 Dropped meta items stack when picked up

    • T1791 Creative mode can’t be turned off in singleplayer

    • T1785 Shipyard fail to load designs

    • T1782 Can no longer dock to a shipyard with core beam

    • T1698 Log files have an unexpected file extension

    • T1692 Catalog manager deletes wrong blueprints when not sorted as numbered list

    • T1689 Settings reset when starting a dedicated server

    • T1641 Collision detection in docked entity pilot mode has severe performance issues

    • T1544 Shoot out rail undocks too soon after direction change

    • T1407 /destroy_entity and overheat despawning makes some entities non physical

    • T1198 unfactioned ships will get stuck on pickup rails when re-docked without a pilot inside

    • T1148 Tooltip shows incorrect names for swapping meta item places

    • T574 Improper orientation of blocks when using undo in advanced build mode

    • Several typo fixes


    T1698 means that our log files have changed names.

    ~ log.txt.# changed into logstarmade.#.log

    ~ serverlog.txt.# changed into serverlog.#.log


    We’ve also changed the asteroid size server config value from chunk to block radius.

    Default value is set to 64:

    ~ ASTEROID_RADIUS_MAX = 64 //Asteroid max radius in blocks (from -x to +x)


    Furthermore, due to fixes in the FactionConfig.xml, servers might have to adapt their custom configs. Should the custom config fail to load, the game uses the default as a fallback.


    As always, all languages have been updated to the latest translations. Thanks to all the translators on!


    Thanks for playing StarMade,

    ~ The Schine Team
